Nutrition of athletes and calculating their nutritional requirements

Dr. Ghadeer Al-Shammari 07 Jan 2021 Sports nutrition 2473 Visit
Nutrition of athletes and calculating their nutritional requirements With the great development that sport is witnessing in the Arab world in general and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular, health awareness among community members has increased, and the number of participants in sports health clubs or who practice sports in their own way has increased. Which greatly increases our interest in providing nutritional counseling and information based on scientific foundations and evidence that achieve high efficiency in physical fitness or build muscles in a healthy way according to a person's need of energy and protein as well as the type of protein. The body consumes more calories when practicing physical activity or during exercise to raise muscle mass. Where energy is consumed in nourishing the muscles and their strength and increasing the breathing that helps to adjust the heart rate and metabolism, this requires a healthy and balanced diet to gain more strength and endurance during training, in addition to maintaining body moisture by drinking an adequate amount of fluids. Healthy nutrition plays a great importance during physical activity or before and after physical activity, as it helps in good muscle performance and reduces the risk of injury or muscle spasms, as well as important in the event of recovery from exhaustion and effort. Each person's diet varies with age, weight and physical condition. It also varies according to the amount and intensity of physical activity pursued. The athlete needs a balance and specific quantities of the six nutrients, which are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fluids, and this balance and quantities vary according to age, gender and the type of sports activity to achieve better performance and reach the goals that the individual needs in a healthy way that has a positive long-term effect and transforming that into a lifestyle that follows it A person throughout his life to maintain the best level of health. Carbohydrates play the main role in physical activity as a main source of energy provision, as their percentage may increase between 60 to 70 percent of calories, bearing in mind that this percentage is for those who have a certain physical condition, so it is important to pay attention to identifying the nutrients according to the specific goals of physical activity. , And carbohydrates, or as they are called starches, are found in many foods, including whole grains and fruits, where starches are transformed into sugars inside the body after the digestion process and it is called glucose, and the excess of it is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen, and upon physical activity and the escalation of physical activity, the body begins to produce energy from The stored fat is therefore required to consult a specialist to calculate the appropriate amount to suit the specific goals of physical activity. In addition to carbohydrates, the human body needs protein as one of the most important nutrients that an athlete needs to calculate with high accuracy to achieve the highest level of fitness, build muscle and strength in a healthy way, as protein also plays in promoting glycogen storage and reduces muscle pain and works to build cells and maintain damaged ones in a way. Fast, and the appropriate amount of protein is calculated gradually and according to the type and goal of physical activity and the period required by the practitioner of physical activity, and proteins are found in different sources and their quality varies from one food to another, with the possibility of the practitioner recommending physical activity some supplements that he needs. Also fats are no less important than carbohydrates and protein, and the athlete needs them on a daily basis and not as is common that they must be taken in a small amount, but rather we take them in a moderate amount that suits the person’s need and from specific types that enhance the efficiency of the athlete’s muscle mass, and the athlete also needs various vitamins and minerals that enhance the Energy production and at the same time the human body needs it to protect cells from damage or to maintain and grow in a healthy way. Liquids are of many types, and the athlete may need to focus on the quantity and the appropriate time to take fluids and what kind, because all components of the body need fluids in order to protect cells from dehydration, which is the most important risk to athletes in general. We note through this article the importance of the balance of nutrients and taking them in a scientifically correct manner according to the individual's needs, away from the experiences of others, as people differ from each other by many factors, so you must consult specialists to get the best accounts you need with better accuracy.
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07 Jan2021 08:12 pm

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