
Dr. Ziad Issa Zayed 07 Jan 2021 Kinesiology 1491 Visit
Kinesiology Prof. Dr. Ziyad Issa Zayed Professor of Exercise Physiology and Fitness It is the science that researches and analyzes the random and beneficial human movements and makes use of them for us to maintain physical health, self-defense, social understanding, and for recreational purposes, and change random movements into useful movements. And the science of kinematics is the basis and mathematical sciences are branched from it. It searches in the following directions: A - Movement development from childhood to old age. B- Kinetic analysis. C- Kinetic learning. D- The historical motor development of the human being (it shows us the study of human movements and their historical development "from ancient times until now). Kinesiology also discusses the mathematical and basic movements and the social and historical aspects of the development of mathematical movements and others, as well as from the technological point of view and their characteristics and their relationship to the sciences of anatomy, physiology and others, and branches out of this science are the sciences of biomechanics, kinetic analysis and growth, and for the development of kinematic, these sciences are combined together. And the movement is in various forms (rotational, transitional, regular and irregular with weighted or without stops) Types of human body movement: The movement of the human body has several types: - 1- Physiological movement (voluntary, involuntary). 2- Basic movement (walking, throwing, jogging, etc.). 3- Mathematical movement (acquired, skill). Factors that affect movement: Movement is affected by a set of factors that affect the nature, shape and performance of these movements, among which are the following: 1- Physiological factors. The safety of the functional organs, such as the respiratory circulatory system, the nervous, muscular, and musculoskeletal system, greatly affect the level of basic movement and sports performance, as a person can perform some simple basic movements if one of the functional devices is injured, but he is not able to perform sports movements as they require accuracy and skill. 2- Psychological factors. The psychological state of the individual plays an important role in the accuracy of the performance of the movements, especially the sports movements because most of the psychological phenomena that the athlete is exposed to affect the movement, and on this basis the psychological preparation of the athlete has become an essential and complementary part of the process of physical and skill performance, especially at the higher levels through the development of the spirit of challenge, competition and control. On the states of anxiety and fear - the more the athlete is able to control these psychological phenomena, the more he can perform the movements and skills distinctly. 3- Environmental and social factors. The environmental movements that the individual lives are affected, there are many movements that cannot be performed in a hot environment, while there are movements that can only be performed in a cold environment, and there are movements whose performance is seasonal even in the same environment, so the movement is affected by the nature of the environment as the social factor plays a role Important in determining the individual's state of movement, as there are many links between the development in the movements that a person uses in his daily life, the sports movements and the progress of societies. 4- Genetic factors. Heredity is a set of traits determined by the genes that carry (23) pairs of chromosomes, these chromosomes contain the genetic traits, and when the sperm unites with the egg, the genetic traits between the father and the mother will be determined upon the formation of the genes, as the genes work to transmit the genetic traits over the generations. We find that some inherit some diseases from hereditary characteristics, while others inherit physical and physical characteristics that give a person his personal characteristics that cannot be changed by environmental factors. 5- Illness: Whenever a person suffers from diseases, he is unable to practice movement as required.
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07 Jan2021 08:10 pm

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